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Writer's pictureShay

Give Yourself a Fresh Start

If you're like me, you spent a lot of 2020 hiding from a lot of news and trying to process events in smaller doses. It was a pretty overwhelming year for many of us. I usually tell myself every year, 'this is my year'. Not this year. I spent last year with very low expectations: survival. This year, I am keeping to that expectation and am going to try taking things a day a time.

This may seem ridiculous. I usually like to write out a list of goals or resolutions for the New Year, but I'm not doing that this year. If anything, it's the unwritten concept I have that's the most important: learning to take one day at a time. That doesn't mean I won't plan, or that I'll allow things to fall apart...too much. It just means that I'm freeing my energy so I can handle real life.

Dimly lit workspace
Not my actual desk (Photo by Sander from Pexels)

One of the things I've found myself wanting to tackle is all the clutter. I'm ready to de-clutter as part of my own fresh start this year. I like to have things organized and have places to put things. Currently there is just a giant pile of randomness on my desk. This year, I want to work on that. I also want to add some pops of color to the room. It's mostly white, and is very bland. The good part is that it's not offensive to the eyes, but the bad part is that it also is a very mood-neutral space. I'd like something bright that helps direct my mood positively.

There's probably a cool DIY project I could lump in with that. I've seen some really cool ideas about using pegboard to help store things more vertically to use space efficiently. I'd love to do something with that on the wall by my desk. There's probably colorful plastic shelves and sorting bins I could also get. Many of us have a different workspace in 2021. A lot of us are working from home, in spaces that aren't suited to that. Some of us could use a space that we dedicate to mental health, relaxation, or a reminder of fun past social interactions.

Mug with small plant in it near a window
Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

It's more important than ever to pay attention to small aspects of our lives. The hustle and bustle of normal life meant we probably didn't spend much time at home, so we didn't have to really think about how our living spaces made us feel. Now, we need to use our spaces to our advantage so we can be at our best and healthiest.

Did you make any resolutions for 2021, or do you have something special you want to accomplish? Best of luck to you, and feel free to share in the comments if you want.

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