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  • Writer's pictureShay

Everything's Coming up Pumpkins

Updated: Dec 3, 2019

It's that time of year again, and you've probably heard a fair amount of people talking about pumpkin. Pumpkin spice things, or how they dislike pumpkin spice things. For the record, I love many things that come in a Pumpkin Spice flavor but there are some things that should remain untainted by that flavor.

This time of year is obviously great for pumpkins, but they can be a creative outlet as well. I'm not very talented when it comes to making Jack-O-Lantern's but many people enjoy trying out complicated scenes, or using negative space (the spaces around and between a carved object) to create an amazing display.

If you--like me--are not great at carving pumpkins, perhaps you can paint pumpkins instead. That is also a great way to include little ones that want a part of the Halloween/Harvest festivities without the dangers of cutting themselves...or nearby people and creatures.

These are some of the more obvious things you can do with pumpkins, but when it comes to creativity we often forget that cooking can also be part of a creative endeavor. For families, there's a little bit of Science mixed in as well if you cut the top off the pumpkin and scoop out the seeds and filling, it's a hands on and visual way to talk about how certain foods look, or about how they are Scientifically categorized for older children ( for reference: ).

We are used to seeing recipes for pumpkin pie, cookies, donuts, and a host of baked goodies. You can also bake the pumpkin seeds though, which are completely edible, or the white shell can be removed to access the green seed within. Personally, I prefer them with a salted crispy casing. There's a ton you can do with pumpkins, and since they are a seasonal crop they won't be around very long. It's a great way to bring creativity into the kitchen and everyone can participate, whether it is by decorating, cooking, or eating the delicious results.

There are a lot more pumpkin goodies you can make, let us know your favorite pumpkin treat in the comments, or if you have other creative ideas that involve seasonal favorites.

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